Jan 31, 2018

Rant #6 - Lets Talk About Primary Care

Originally, I was so pleased to find out that our Medical Clinic (the Haig Clinic) was part of the Primary Care Network here in Southern Alberta.
I never thought much more about it until we became thoroughly entrenched in the Medical System.
My first mistake was that I thought a Primary Care System implied that each part of the system has a path, is integrated into, and responsible to the whole.
HUH – was I wrong!!
It seems that the key objective of the Primary Care Network is to ensure Albertans have a place to enter the System – a front door – a family doctor . . . if you please. Theoretically, this is good . . . BUT . . . the doctors at most local clinics are not taking new patients.
Then the doctor refers . . . and refers . . . and refers. 
Communication and follow-up seem to be optional.
Any referral MUST come from the doctor; the staff sets up the appointment with the receiving service and tells the patient when their appointment is.
What would happen if we tried to introduce the patient into this Primary Care Team?
The biggest element missing from the system seems to be the patient. It seems that the more complex the situation is - the less the patient is involved in the process: the process goes on around the patient.
How can they call it a Primary Care system if one part of the system doesn’t know what the another piece of the system is doing – has done – or plans to do?

Mid-Winter Communiqué – The Next Step

And 2018 left much like it came in - with a feeling like nothing is going the way I want it to. The lump in my throat was coming out as te...